Employees vs Home owners
Read More: Employees vs Home ownersOr a look into the psychology I have written about this before and today I saw a question today on linkedin related (Thanks David) …….. But I ran out of words to post as a comment. I want to start by suggesting that often security officers and auditors do not think about the companies assets…
Teach your employees information security
Read More: Teach your employees information securityWhen it comes to securing an organisations digital assets there are several approaches to minimising the risk as there is no solving a moving target. One that is not given the priority is the most obvious and the largest source of risk to a business: people, that is you and me, we are idiots and…
Privilege access Management
Read More: Privilege access ManagementPrivileged Access Management, cyber attacks often still operate primarily on the premise that a logged in user has privileged access to their workstation or Laptop, this aspect has never changed despite platform providers ‘improving’ their security models over time.
Partnering done right
Read More: Partnering done rightResellers are ambulance chasers! They came into the deal after I had already sold the product to the customer and wanted to make money from my hard work, I’m the vendor sale rep, I know what the customer needed and I sold it! I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve heard words…
The Trouble with SharePoint today
Read More: The Trouble with SharePoint todayThe history of SharePoint has brought the corporate world to its latest emergency in the IT data centre. Firstly, SharePoint sites proliferated because they could be run on a desktop with Windows SharePoint Services (WSS), SharePoint server released in 2001 through to SharePoint 2013/2016 and SharePoint Online (an optional component of Office 365) often without…
Safeworlds Patent Publication number WO1998057285 A1
Read More: Safeworlds Patent Publication number WO1998057285 A1Data processing system for integrated tracking and management of commerce related activities on a public access network WO 1998057285 A1 ABSTRACT A data processing system manages transaction-related information generated on a network of interconnected public or private access computers, including monitoring purchases and providing referral fee accounting based thereon. The integrated software package establishes a…
Safeworlds TV $.010 shares?
Read More: Safeworlds TV $.010 shares?Safeworlds TV and Alan Metcalfe After a hiatus from posting details about this scam, I have had recent information that corroborates my initial concerns around what Alan says he was trying to do. Therefore I have decided that I can not leave this any longer and I will post what I have found out recently.…
What Microsoft needs to do to Windows
Read More: What Microsoft needs to do to WindowsI’m a long time Windows user, I’ve been using it since Windows 3.11 (Windows for Workgroups), before that I came from an Amiga Intuition and Atari ST Gem UI background. During my growing up with technology I have used OS 8, OS 9 and OS X (all versions) and I fully embraced Windows 7 and…
IT security ‘Best Practise’ in Australia, or better titled “Security through Avoidance”
Read More: IT security ‘Best Practise’ in Australia, or better titled “Security through Avoidance”Reading this article (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/05/15/aisa_finding_infosec_bores_board_execs/) today was a reminder to me of the customers I talk to on a daily basis. Having worked in many countries previous to coming to Australia, it was very apparent that security was very topical for Northern Hemisphere companies, with standards such as HiPAA, SOX, J SOX, Basel II, PCI. Not…
Office 365 to take over the world? or at least business….
Read More: Office 365 to take over the world? or at least business….Interesting commentary on Office 365, I can see both sides of the debate and I believe everyone is somewhat correct in their assertions, many customers will migrate to Office 365, some will remain on the platform they have until support ends due to cost of migrating to a new platform when it doesn’t offer anything…