Add AI to cyber security software, just because….
Read More: Add AI to cyber security software, just because….Add AI to cyber security software, just because…. Not calling out any particular vendor here, but calling out the fact that it has required a marketecture shift to AI is the new snake oil for a vendor to adopt an old technology, Bayesian Machine Learning is nothing new, more details are here about Bayesian ML…
Dishwasher tablets vs Dishwashing powder – Do not be Fooled
Read More: Dishwasher tablets vs Dishwashing powder – Do not be FooledDishwasher tablets vs Dishwashing powder – Do not be Fooled Ever wonder about the price you are paying for Dish washings? Nah me either, happily in the knowledge that I could get Finish dishwashing tablets for cheap from the local “cheapie” shops in Australia I would save big time over what ColesWorth steal from their…
Avoiding a Global outage – By not running the software that caused it!
Read More: Avoiding a Global outage – By not running the software that caused it!Avoiding a Global outage – By not running the software that caused it! In a article this morning ABC journalism competently managed to demonstrate a complete lack of awareness in the topic they were reporting on and a media story was born that has no basis to even exist in this reality, or the next.…
Safeworlds TV Scam is finally being uncovered
Read More: Safeworlds TV Scam is finally being uncoveredSafeworlds TV Scam is finally being uncovered, several years ago I was introduced to an opportunity that seemed “too good to be true”, a chance to ‘invest’ (invest is a term I will come back too) in the next big thing, bigger than Google and Youtube, bigger than eBay (in 2013), larger than Amazon and…
The fallout, Indonesian Ransomware incident 2024
Read More: The fallout, Indonesian Ransomware incident 2024The fallout, Indonesian Ransomware incident 2024, depending on how you look at this it is a bit of a disaster, because rather than simply resolve the problem – it is very likely that the Indonesian Government will want to decentralise their data to avoid any ransomware incident in the future affecting such a large swath…
TeamViewer has No place in a modern business – second breach in a year
Read More: TeamViewer has No place in a modern business – second breach in a yearTeamViewer has No place in a modern business – second breach in a year
No Company needs MOVEit, Tell me otherwise?!
Read More: No Company needs MOVEit, Tell me otherwise?!No Company needs MOVEit, Tell me otherwise?! MOVEit is in the cross hairs again, a second critical vulnerability – meaning it is trivial to compromise. Vulnerabilities in software don’t seem to be managed well by some, this second critical vulnerability should have been discovered and mitigated when doing the requisite post incident activities from MOVEits…
AI the biggest hype bubble for 2024
Read More: AI the biggest hype bubble for 2024AI the biggest hype bubble for 2024 If you are not already aware of the fact that AI is going to take your job and then subsequently take over the world, then you are living under a rock. Before that time (the end of the world) though there are a plethora of opportunities for you…
Generative AI – real and what is not? how to tell
Read More: Generative AI – real and what is not? how to tellGenerative AI – real and what is not? how to tell Ask a Large Language Model like Bing Chat Enterprise (the version that protects what I ask the LLM from being sent to the World Wide Web) to create a Cyber Security news story that will garner clicks from LinkedIn connections and the following was…
ASD8 – Implementing Australian Signals Directorate Essential Eight with Microsoft
Read More: ASD8 – Implementing Australian Signals Directorate Essential Eight with MicrosoftASD8 – Implementing Australian Signals Directorate Essential Eight with Microsoft. Introducing ASD8 and Microsoft The Australian signals Directorate has been a frontrunner in creating, guiding and improving the cyber security posture of Australian Government and non government entities, through the Essential 8 cyber security controls which I have previously covered here and here are critical…