In order:
“I think you are naive to think that Alan has invented this system all by himself without a team of talented people behind him – maybe you should ask him about this.”
- I have asked Alan about this and there has never been an answer except that hundreds of people contributed. No names and no details, not even details about the size of the development team? As smart people and investors you are all aware that software does not write itself. This question itself would quickly give an indication of the development effort so far.
“Metcalfe is the only one who understands how the human mind works so he says. Not much use having that knowledge when he doesn’t know how the real world works. He has published some e – books so i guess he is an author. I swam in an olympic size pool once does that make me an olympic swimmer. Long term sufferer, sorry i mean investor of safeworlds tv. Thankyou for the questions you have posed to him. Maybe he can tell you the exact date he will list this company”
- Alan has several times covered the date of IPO, they include at least 2008 (the GFC stopped this one), 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and finally next year (2015). In a round-about way Alan is saying its coming.
“If Metcalfe was able to figure out AI and the singularity, it wouldn’t have stayed so quite for this long. Someone would have leaked it. Ray Kurzweil would have at least heard about it and spoke about it, as well as many others, rather then some guy that bases his findings off of the bible.”
- Not commercializing a technology that will revolutionalise the world as we know it? SafeWorlds TV is a single solution, the revenue possible by licensing what Alan has discovered would earn all of the shareholders many times what will be earnt when IPO occurs and shareholders can deinvest. The A.I behind Safeworlds TV could be licensed today and Shareholders will start making money TODAY.
“I have seen no evidence to suggest that what he says is not true. He and his team have developed and delivered Safe Worlds TV to the point that it does work and is improving its performance on a continual basis. It is more than talk, he has delivered a working product. Our own experience is that Alan cares about and protects the interest of his shareholders. We are kept well-informed and up to date and involved with what is happening. Finally I find it difficult to take seriously, those who blog on such a serious issue as this, anoymously.”
- I do not think that there is no product, there is, its just not what it seems. Until proven otherwise and the only way Alan has thought to challenge my thoughts is through character assassination and that sort of response is often done when one does not have facts to back their claims.
- I am not anonymous, you have my full name and you can email me. Please let me know if you can’t find how to look at my profile or email? Blogger is a pretty straight forward website to use.
- DON’T be fooled, the URL Http:// is written in Microsoft SilverLight and would not require more than 3-4 weeks of Development effort. There is no advanced logic behind it. If you don’t believe my claims start using the site and tell me how it goes for you? Remember (many of you seem to forget) that YOU are the customer of the product as well not just the shares? how many of you would use the site? honestly?
“If you can convince Mike about this, maybe i would even donate some more money. Why can’t any of you just explain it to a guy like Mike and he be able to understand it He seems to have a open mind. He has asked questions and Metcalfe chooses to only give replies wich have nothing to do with the questions. Perhaps i will just wait for the next excuse and the next special offer.
If the “True Believers” are so behind this then have they cashed in everything they own to get this over the line? I think not. Maybe they should get Fair Dinkum instead of just rattling the tin.. Keep The Faith”
- The fact of the matter is I want to understand how this SafeWorlds IPTV platform can be what Alan Metcalfe claims, I do not believe the platform is anything more than a poorly written Informercial Website that doesn’t work on Mobile devices like iPads and Android tablets, which make up a significant portion of connected devices across the global market today, something over 30% of connected devices.
- And correct Alan Metcalfe has not answered many questions directly and no questions related to what SafeWorlds TV actually does. Worse still the latest videos here:
whatsthedifference are scare mongering video clips that again have no relationship to the product. In addition I hope the Alan Metcalte obtained any copyrights required to play clips from the movie ‘The Terminator’ to describe what SafeWorlds IPTV is going to prevent.
“Why dont Lindsay and the believers buy all the shares of us now non believers
Me mates and me are willing to give them a dicounted rate of $4.80 a share, that is a 0.20 discount to current price
There is no other way to get out so how about they work out a way to buy us all out
Might even give him say 10 percent discount if he gets the other believerd to buy some of us”
- There must be an opportunity for an investor to come in and buy shares from disgruntled Shareholders at $4 and make a killing. It is also interesting that in the latest share offering $1 million needs to be raised to keep the company afloat. Alan Metcalfe has the Intellectual Property behind ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and ‘Universal Logic’, these are two ultimately licensable technologies that will make Investors much more money than they could dream of. Alan must license these technologies to the market to maintain shareholder value and confidence.
- AND, this will not be the final money asked for, there is at least another round for the IPO.
If you were posting personal emails, and very negative comments about my company, i would more than stop replying to your emails.
Now thats said, stop getting on to every media forum and bagging out this company. negative comments with little informed infomation is very damaging to us all as investors.
example – Ausie stock forum -MichaelBNZ – looks like you just keep on cut and pasting the same uninformed info???? “
- Yes that was me, but, I was not the first to say anything about SafeWorlds on Aussie Stock Forum, I simply added to it. Negative comments have come about because Alan MetCalfe has not answered questions that are related to the platform. This whole issue is very easily solved, prove to me that there is something behind the website and I will be the most positive promoter you have ever seen. I guarantee it, I will purchase a stake in the technology if the platform is proven to me beyond reasonable doubt, I’m not an idiot I would buy into any technology that makes sense and will earn me a good return.
- Finally, until the platform is proven I am NOT harming you as ShareHolders. I am preventing additional investors from making a truly disastrous mistake. After all what incentive do you have to be circumspect about where you are now? you want your money back so Alan asking for more to prevent the doors being ‘shut’ is in your interests more than being rational and stepping back from a very risky situation, not early Google risky but a whole extra level akin to ‘Nigerian Scam emails’.
Didn’t even need to answer this one (the commenter does a great job) …..
“These virtual objects are easy to secure because they are all structured the same way, according to the same standard. Security applied this way is also very strong, because, even though a hacker may somehow penetrate one bubble, this does not mean that he will be able to penetrate other secure bubbles within the system.”
We provide uniform compartments which are somehow not all subject to the same vulnerabilities!
“Safe Worlds already has semantic search. It will take a couple of years however before sufficient data is available in semantic form, for Safe Worlds semantic search to be competitive with Web-based search engines like Google and Yahoo.”
It’ll be amazing! And we have a totally legitimate reason not to have anything set up that can demonstrate it!
This is pure snake oil, and it deserves a better fisking than I have time for right now.
“I really do believe in it but do we have a board of directors or is it just one guy at the top who controls it all.
If we go down the wrong road who pulls us up and points us in the right direction?
I have looked at the other forum that the above poster mentioned and from what i see all the other stocks have good and bad posts by people who hold the shares.
No doubt negative press is not good but freedom of speach is how we keep people and company’s honest.
This is a major point of safeworlds and why i invested.
I wish Alan all the best and the team and hope sooner rather than later we can get our money back.
We all need to be accountable”
- This is all I’m asking is for accountability, if there is a product then Alan can show it and why is it that ‘only’ Alan can show it? Who else is behind the company? Who is on the board and what are their qualifications? look at any non IPO company and the list of directors will be impressive…… Who is on the Board other than Alan Metcalfe?
- Exactly my view, I have many family members who have brought into this and I do not see how they can ever get their money back out. What I don’t want to have happen is more people put money into a platform that can never be successful!. As in my above response, Alan Metcalfe is the only name related to SafeWorlds TV, he may not be the right person to drive this alone, often experts are required and Alan for all his expertise IS NOT an expert in everything.
I am happy to be proven wrong but me thinks not…….smells like a fraud, quacks like a fraud, feels like a fraud…..well then most likely it is a fraud.”
- Feel free to send me the latest emails and I will comment, I agree you are mostly right. Alan compares what other activity is occurring on the WWW and refers to famous people in his qualification of SafeWorlds, I believe this is all Alan has to placate people. I can’t comment on whether I believe its a fraud or not, what I have seen though is the people who did invest tend to not be those people that understand technology and Alan has fed information that is scaremongering and just plain incorrect, just like his continued use of ‘universal logic’ as a phrase commonly used in I.T. – this is plain wrong and completely untrue:
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