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CS Energy Breach

CS Energy in Queensland, Australia recently made the headlines when a breach was detected and thwarted before any harm was done to their customers.

I want to congratulate the response from CS Energy’s cyber security team, they clearly detected and responded to a potentially catastrophic situation in a controlled and timely manner, great work! 

This is what planning for a cyber event means to a well running organisation – Not to take away from the pressure of the event at the time for the response team.  

They had an incident response plan, they invoked the plan as soon as a breach was detected and they prevented the breach affecting their customers (citizens). 

The assumption here would be that they had in place good plans, processes and the correct products to be “secure”, I use the “” as utilities now are going to need to increase their security yet again as this type of attack becomes a theme in the next few years. 

100% (not a stat!) no breach assurance is impossible.

From an attackers point of view utilities are a prime target as the affect is massively public. 

The unfortunate fact the media have played this up as “moments away from disaster” and a “china” attack despite the company itself stating that this is not known is truly telling of the age we live in, where facts are replaced with hyperbole and hysteria, cyber security is a core business practise not a “Flavour of the year disaster scenario” and accuracy in the media would go a long way to correcting the misleading narrative that is being generated.

CS energy showed us as an industry a good outcome, congratulations to the team! 


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