When I run google searches there is no reference to your technology other than self promotion sites, the terms ‘universal logic’ haven’t registered either so I wonder whether that is such a big discovery as I would certainly register and trademark something so fundamentally new.
AMM: This is very hard to explain to people. However, you need to know that the world is not honest. Google and the mainstream media is a direct competitor and they will not go out of their way to promote me or Safe Worlds TV. The good news is this suits me because, particularly until now, I have not been interested in educating our competitors as to how Universal Logic (Artificial Intelligence) works. Unfortunately, we get one chance to protect and capitalize on this technology; and once we lose control of it; we will lose any chance of every capitalizing on it. I therefore have to be very careful what I say; and to whom I say it. The world of science; and even many parts of the Christian Church, do not want to hear about my work on the Bible. It is totally unacceptable to many in science that I found Universal Logic in the Bible. THE GOOD NEWS out of all this; despite all this; we have it; and no one can take that away from us. We just now need to capitalize on the fact.
I was browsing the channels today and its extremely difficult to navigate if I was to compare with other Ecommerce sites such as eBay or Amazon.
AMM: I understand that it is at this stage, because it is so comprehensive. It has to be to cover the World Economy. Google is simple because it doesn’t do a fraction of what Safe Worlds TV does. E-Bay, Amazon, etc., are simple because they are single user monopolies (silos). Safe Worlds TV has to provide a common User Interface for millions of users. This isn’t easy. When Channels start to use their own Vanity URLs within Safe Worlds TV – this will make a big difference – I think. Also, be assured that we will keep working on simplifying the interface; and educating people to what it is. I believe it is very important to know what Safe Worlds TV is; then you will marvel, like we do; that it is as simple as it is.;
Michael thoughts: A misfact, Google does indeed cover the world. Google is customised and localised for most countries already and has been for some time. Additionally E-bay and Amazon are also localised for many many countries. Youtube also covers much of the world, its not true to state SafeWorlds are doing anything thats not already being done. There is no marvelling at the current system.
As a system architect (infrastructure) myself I would really like to understand how the systems work and how its going to repair the global economy.
AMM: As a system’s architect, you should know the difficulty of designing a common user interface for the entire World Economy. Designing a user interface for a single user Website, no matter how big the user, is simple. Try designing one for a million users and see how difficult it becomes. This is the beauty of the Safe Worlds TV user interface. It is a common user interface that can handle every business; every enterprise; and every participant in the World Economy.
Michael thoughts: A complete misfact. As above many e-commerce sites already work in many countries and they manage to be successful. Youtube would be another successful example of localisation working and a cleanish UI.
‘World Economy’ is not going to happen with this idea, there are already successful organisations doing this such as Paypal, Google Wallet etc.
I have been told about what Safeworlds is multiple times and I’m very curious as I have people suggesting that I should buy into it.
AMM: You have to come to that decision yourself. However, I humbly suggest that if you understand where the IT world is at this stage; and what are the big obstacles that the industry has run into; you should know that “he who wins the Artificial Intelligence battle” wins the whole prize. That’s why Safe Worlds TV is such a good investment, because we have AI. I made the critical breakthrough 14 years ago. This gives us a huge start in understanding what it is; and how to get it working commercially. And you should know that the AI that I am talking about is not the AI that IBM has developed, for example; that is not distributable on a mass basis; as Safe Worlds TV is. What we have is real AI – we have the Holy Grail.
Michael thoughts: An almost true statement ‘Come to the decision yourself’. As an IT consultant I do not believe that winning the AI battle wins the whole prize, its simply not true there are so many battles that are equally important, hell I just want Netflix to work without a proxy in Oz.
Having made the huge breakthrough 14 years ago and still having done nothing to monetise this discovery after accepting money from mom and pop investors is rubbish.
I’m very curious how the system is going to change the economy because that would be an amazing thing.
AMM: The economy is already changing; we are moving from the traditional way of doing business; into the Digital Age. We are now past the tipping point where the world must go electronic. The only problem is that the world does not have the platform or the system to go electronic. The World Wide Web is not suitable and cannot be retrofitted as required for ubiquitous e-business. Every IT expert in the world recognizes this. So my job, as a system designer, is not to come up with the smart idea of how to change the world; I just have to design the vehicle that makes it possible. This is what is now missing. To design such a vehicle, you must first find and come to under4stand Artificial Intelligence, because there is no other way to handle the load. You can’t build a centrally controlled silo, big enough.
Michael thoughts: This final statement does not make sense, the world does infact have platforms that allow exactly what Alan says can’t be done. The WWW is already de-centralised so this is not a problem either. Considering Alan already found AI 14 years ago I’m concerned that he is still looking for it. AI is not the answer to e-commerce though it may sound convincing if one does not understand technology
Mike B
Final thoughts, the SafeWorlds TV system that is being developed here is a system for someone (or some people) to have a good life until they die using other peoples (investors) hard earned dollars. Those people who through no fault of their own believed in a system that is not actually doable.
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