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Zero trust buzzword bingo

Zero Trust Network Architecture (ZTNA) or the “Cloud” for 2021. A buzzword thought up between Analysts and vendors around a steak dinner in a fancy Las Vegas restaurant (yes I’m judging).

Describing a host of solutions and practises that are already in-place for experienced security teams and being considered by the many not so experienced security teams looking for guidance, ZTNA is not a one size fits all and the marketing around ZTNA does make this any clearer for business.

The attached survey appears to have been completed by 105 Vendors, the big 3 Analyst firms and finally 22 CISO’s looking for work! “all of whom are knowledgeable about how their organization was using or planning to use a zero trust architecture…”, apparently…

Some shout outs:

– “planning to use a zero trust architecture”

– “Stop breaches by 144%”

Side note: If one can stop a breach by 144%, then aren’t they now creating the breach?

Always use your trusted internal security teams and your trusted partners / Systems integrators / Managed Service providers to determine which elements of a “ZTN” architecture make sense for your business, sometimes the cost to implement these solutions can be overwhelmingly expensive for very little return. On the other hand there can also be very positive upside to the right solutions.

#computersecurity #ztna #zerotrustsecurity #zerotrust #mssp #resellercommunity

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