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Safeworlds TV Scam is finally being uncovered

Safeworlds TV Scam is finally being uncovered, several years ago I was introduced to an opportunity that seemed “too good to be true”, a chance to ‘invest’ (invest is a term I will come back too) in the next big thing, bigger than Google and Youtube, bigger than eBay (in 2013), larger than Amazon and also bigger than PayPal.

As an aside, today I featured in an article on News(.)com(.)au can be found here

There was this man (now Deceased), his name was Alan Metcalfe, and, Alan discovered the secret of ‘True’ Artificial Intelligence during regular perusing of his “king James” Bible, whilst pondering how he could help all of mankind to provide a internet for a safe world for everyone – to do this he would need to be financially supported to the tune of many tens of millions of dollars, but unlike most investors looking for big financial backing with leading players, Alan thought why not let the Mums and Dads, the little investors be a part of something so huge that they will all turn out to be millionaires and never have to worry about money again.

The above of course is fiction, Alan Metcalfe and Safe Worlds or SafeWorlds TV was a scam right from the start, Alan did not have ‘The’ Secret to AI, he did however have a secret – Alan was a scammer and a scammer right from his early days (this is covered in the Podcast below), whether his wife or son knew that he was a scammer is unknown but it is likely that keeping this kind of secret from your family for 20+ years would not be easy.

Now for those still following, Alan didn’t choose small investors over large investors for “altruistic” reasons, he chose small investors because they were not educated enough in the field of technology to argue with Alan, Alan used these small investors to sell to other small investors because “People buy from people”, inadvertently, Alan hired a whole sales team of people to sell a product that didn’t exist in any form outside of a janky website: which does not exist anymore.

I mentioned I would come back to the term “Invest”, with Safeworlds Invest did not mean you own anything, investing in Safeworlds did not mean you had a Shareholding, though you may have had “shares” or even “gold backed digital shares” – these had no monetary value and no ownership value either, the purchasing deed that investors signed excluded them from any ownership whatsoever, the only time investors might be paid back is when the platform went to IPO or was sold. So Alan was always the owner of all the invested $$$ – all of which seems to have been spent, by the end of the Podcast series we will know more.

Some well educated people like David Tuffley, PHD IT Consultant even wrote about the feasibility of the Safe Worlds TV platform in 2016, years after development had been halted(linked below), by the time that this was written in 2016 I do not believe that any IT consultant in 2016 would have put their name to Safeworlds TV or Alan Metcalfe, I am not an expert but I do know when I see something that is not feasible in the market.

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This is because platforms using technology do not exist in isolation, a platform can be the best that ever was and still not succeed, because for anything to be successful today requires a huge number of users to adopt in a short time, if you are repeating what is already in existence and being well used, then your chances are close to zero, this is if you have something good, Alan had nothing, ever….

Podcast links to the missing $49 million:



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