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Artificial Intelligence – Managed Detection and Response

Two buzzwords applied to almost all Cyber Security companies products today are: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning or AI and ML.

What exactly the AI or ML technology in these solutions and managed service offerings we consume are providing, is open to debate; as is the depth of implementation and integration.

However there are great things ahead when an AI can help by learning and understanding the various anomalies that occur without human intervention, it means that hackers will constantly need to be evolving to stay ahead of what our Detection and Response systems and services can understand. Even with new attack methods, if these are not sufficiently divergent from past hacks and patterns of attack then the newer attack will be picked up faster without operator input.

AI will be the next big thing to block threats for all of us, with that will come some challenges, but this technology will be the difference between human adversaries and the security of the people/organisations globally, that is until hackers start using AI attacks to thwart AI defences.

Watch this AI video for an example of learning “how to walk” to how to “Box” with 90 seconds of initial limb movement training. It is amazing to see what can be done with AI, applying this into Cyber Security – Applied to EDR, XDR, MDR etc and as the live training continues day to day while being used, how powerful this will become for Detection and Response in a Security context.

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