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MS 900 – Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Starting with a new company called rhipe has required me to go and certify in the various Microsoft security solutions portfolio. Rather than provide a lot of detail on how to pass the exam I wanted to collect together the information that I used so that you can find the details yourself and use these to help pass the exam.

The MS 900 Microsoft fundamentals exam is not difficult, I do not have a Microsoft 365 background at all and was coming at this exam with a very low knowledge point.

Firstly, the exam that I sat had 35 questions, these questions are not necessarily wrong or right in their entirety, this means that although you may lose a point on a multiple choice option you guess incorrectly there are still points to be gained for the question. This helped a lot as there were some areas I was not completely confident with.

Makes sure you reread the question, more than once I realised I have made an error as the question was a ‘negative’ and not a ‘positive’, so always confirm your answer.

There are some really good internet resources that will assist in passing this exam, first do complete the Microsoft readiness path:

specifically here:


John Saville is very good, he does not cover everything so mix his content with other producers:

Then watch Mark Grimes with his MS-900 fundamentals video:

Finally I used another channel to run through 20 questions and check my understanding of the topic:

The licensing area was probably my weakest part, this url has some good licensing information that will help:

Finally, I watched another YouTube, Gabrielle Kristofich.

And although her video is not quite as detailed she does have very good thoughts and insights into what to do to help pass the certification:

Below are Gabrielles notes:

All of these resources were enough for me to pass with a good score despite having no M365 knowledge to start with. Good luck in your sitting of these exams and I wish you the best.

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